king solomon

Ancient King Solomon’s net worth was estimated to be the equivalent of around $2 trillion dollars by today’s standards.

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king solomon

He is a historical marvel and the Holy Bible notes that King Solomon’s net worth was greater than all the kings of the earth and that he was the wisest man at the time (1 Kings 10:23).


Sure, many people still doubt the validity of the biblical claims about the existence of Solomon, however, most historians tend to agree with his existence.

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He reigned between 970-931 BC in the Palestinian regions of Asia. Most of his life is recorded in the Biblical Old Testament, while the Quran also mentions and reveres him as a noble prophet. 



Inheritance through David

King Solomon’s father was the famous King David. David was only the second King of Israel, but the first to unite all the tribes under one monarchy. 

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Annual Earnings in Gold

It is recorded in 1 Kings 10:14 that Solomon used to receive around 666 talents of gold per year. That is the equivalent of 22 tons (22,000 kg) of gold per annum. 

Annual Earnings in Gold

At the present gold value of around $55,370 per kilo, that’s an annual income of  $1.2 billion for the 22 tons.

Tributes from Kings and Governors

Each year, the King would receive wealthy tributes from the kings and governors of Arabia. The monetary gifts were a big upward nudge for the net worth of King Solomon.

His Wisdom

Leaders from all around would come and seek his counsel because of his great wisdom, bearing expensive gifts with them when they came.

Control of the Trade Routes

Israel and Palestine were set in the heart of the “fertile crescent”. As such, it was in the center of the Asian/North African trade route.

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